Liquid Laundry Soap Recipe For Under $1 A Gallon
1/2 Cup each of Washing Soda and 20 Mule Team Borax
1/3 of a bar of Fels Naptha soap grated
Start by melting the grated Fels Naptha soap in 3 cups of water on medium heat at a simmer until completely melted. Do not let this boil or it will bubble over! Once that’s completely melted, add the Borax and Washing Soda until they are dissolved, just about a minute or two.
Then add the melted soap mixture to your 5 gallon bucket filled with 3 gallons of water. Stir it up really good and then let it sit for 24 hours.
After the 24 hours, your soap will be set up a little bit. Stir it again really good and then pour into your choice of container. We use old jugs from the distilled water we buy. If you have a large enough space, you could even put this in a pretty beverage dispenser.
This is definitely worth doing if you are looking to save money and know exactly what’s in your soap! Use about as much as you would with a store bought soap, about a capful. This is a great all purpose soap we used it on everything for over a year, and then Tena brought me another easy recipe to use on whites to keep them super bright. The Bright Whites soap recipe coming soon!